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   Hi, thanks for visiting...   

This blog is a collection of stories, snaps and soundcards from my life in the Scottish Highlands. I hope you enjoy what you see, hear and read here.

A wee bit about me...


I moved to the Highlands in 2017 and work as a communications coordinator for a not-for-profit organisation in the education sector.


My background is in radio. Prior to moving to Scotland, I worked as a reporter, producer and presenter for Australia's national broadcaster. I've  lived in outback Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Sydney. 


Some things I like: hill-walking, sketching, cooking, camping, languages, whisky, bird watching, podcasts and photography (all the photos here have been taken on my old iPhone). I also really like people - I spend a lot of time chatting with strangers in pubs! 



            A note about the Soundcards


The audio postcard ('soundcard') element of this blog is a project I started specifically for my Nan, who lives in Australia.


Nan has dementia and she could no longer read the written postcards I was sending to her. She doesn't recognise my face any more, but I'd like to think she still remembers my voice. 

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STRAVAIG: to wander aimlessly...
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