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Happy Hogmanay

Cass (my flat mate) and I decided to come to Edinburgh for Hogmanay quite last minute.

It was an expensive decision, but a brilliant one - taking part in the torch parade on Hogmanay eve is one of the best things I've ever done.

I remember frozen fingers, our jackets reeking of kerosene and whisky... lots of whisky.

I usually like to hang out in low-key pubs, but if you fancy something a little more hipster, here are some bars to keep in mind...

(A local wrote this list for me on a crumpled receipt - which I still have in my wallet! None of her recommendations disappointed):

++ Ghillie Dhu - great live music

++ Hoot the Redeemer and Panda & Sons - two different bars, with quirky entrances and killer cocktails

++ Cabaret Voltaire - for a wee touch of jiggery pokery

Happy New Year!

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