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Misty Badgers: a public service announcement

Was it even a night oot if ye dinae hae a misty badger ???

A Misty Badger tastes exactly like I imagine its wet namesake would...

It's a baffling and horrifying combination of absinthe and tequila rose.

It's also only served at Johnny Foxes, which is probably why Karaoke Thursdays is such a crackin night.

Nobody who hadn't had a misty badger would be up on that wee stage.

I would like to tell you that after my first misty badger earlier this year I learnt my lesson... but Scots are surprisingly persuasive.

It's become part of the standard 'Welcome to Inversneckie' experience we take all our visiting friends for... oddly enough, they still speak to us!

Public Service Announcement:

If you find yourself in Ness and somebody offers to buy you a badger... say no... and buy them a whisky instead. Sláinte

Side note:

Misty Badger is also the name of a track by the incredibly excellent Elephant Sessions (see below)

Here they are performing at Stirling Tollbooth (2017)

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