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Stornoway: a wee snapshot


In no particular order, some things I loved about the Isle of Lewis:

Found on a Uig beach in 1831, the chessmen are carved from walrus tusks and whale teeth and are estimated to be around 700 years old.

There are 78 chess pieces and there is something about their eyes I find hypnotic - they look utterly defiant and yet terrified.

Looms & weavers

The Outer Hebrides is home to Harris Tweed and every shop you walk past has swatches on display..

I met a weaver on the ferry to Stornoway and he was kind enough to show me his workshop and looms.

Watching those tiny, hand-dyed threads be passed and pressed into herring bone was such a treat.

You can hear a soundacrd at Gordon's workshop here.


Infused with sea kelp and served with grapefruit - glorious.


The Western Isles are still a haven for the Gaelic language.

It sounds exactly the way you expect it should, coming from the mouths of weathered-faced fishermen and grannies taking tea in town.

It's kind of guttural and musical at the same time

The last thing you see before you leave Stornoway by ferry is this - Greasaibh oirbh air ais (Haste ye back)

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