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Amazing Ages: burying bones at Fort George

Amazing Ages is an annual history and archaeology festival at Fort George, an 18th century garrison right at the mouth of the Moray Firth.

We went along to help out Derrick, Jim and Christine from the National Trust for Scotland.

They were our leaders on the volunteer Thistle Camp we did on the Isle of Arran earlier this year.

We set up a wee sandpit filled with all kinds of treasures (buttons, bullets, broken pieces of pottery) and buried Bob the Skeleton too.

The kids lined up and took turns to kneel alongside us, brushing away the debris from our mock site.... piecing together what lay beneath.

Not sure who had more fun if I'm honest, us or them?!

Fort George is still a working army barracks, I've met a few guys who are currently stationed here with the Black Watch... aye that is the real name of the regiment!

Can't wait to come back here to see the Highland Military Tattoo later in the year.

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